the 2016 national science week lasted from may 14 to 21. themed on “innovation-led and shared development”, the science week showcased scientific and technological innovation outcomes, held distinctive scientific outreach activities, gave the public access to quality scientific and technological resources, and advocated a scientific way of living. during the science week, chemical industry museum of china and china petroleum and chemical industry federation jointly organized a variety of scientific outreach activities, gaining great popularity among the young people and adult residents.
chemical industry museum of china (phase i) launched a series of activities called “a marvelous journey to chemistry”, which included museum visits, chemistry talent show, virtual host, and fun chemical experiments. under the instructions of museum workers, the students conducted experiments such as “making glasses by oneself", “turning copper coins into silver and golden coins”, “amazing thymol blue”, “artificial snow”, and “magical sand”. the colorful and highly interactive activities brought the youngsters close to chemistry, gave them hands-on experience with the charm of chemistry, stimulated their enthusiasm for chemistry, and led them to recognize that chemistry is everywhere.

to advocate a scientific way of living and perform its social responsibility, the museum set posters spreading knowledge about plastic in a number of neighborhood committees around desheng street, xicheng district. by introducing plastics, demonstrating plastic products and answering questions on site, the event helped the residents know how to choose and safely use plastic products, winning high praises from the public.
as an open practical course provider certified by beijing municipal education commission for the spring semester of 2016, the museum received junior middle school students in beijing, and launched a practical course called “a quest to heating pads” during the science week, signifying the start of museum-school cooperation in educational activities.